Spud&Bud is written by Kevin and Rachel, two high school graduates (Class of 2015) who have both decided to postpone their college plans for a year in order to learn, explore, and experience new things on their own terms and at their own pace.
This blog will catalog our 5-month WWOOFing journey throughout Western Europe. Our plan for our trip is to be neither quick-paced nor hectic. We will stay 2-4 weeks at each farm, giving us ample opportunity to adjust to the rhythm of daily life and activities on the farms--churning soil, making cheeses, feeding goats. You know, the good stuff.
And, maybe the not-so-good stuff as well. We might deal with the less romantic and grubbier side to sustainable farming. We may experience first-hand the struggles of traveling in a foreign country on a small budget. We might screw up, get lost, or otherwise get in trouble.
But only if we're lucky!